Mustad Reins The Reins sinking monofilament is a special formulated copolymer line that has the ulra abrasion resistance and low memory. Special chemicals have been added into copolymer to ameliorate the lines abrasion resistant ability as well as smoothness. As a result, the line is smooth and supple, yet maintains high breaking strength. It is ideal for surf casting, trolling and fishing from the rocks, the tournament grade Reins copolymer lines are formulate to block off light penetration resulting in an opaque finish specially for tournament use.
Length | Weight |
Size |
300m | 10 | 0.25mm |
300m | 12 | 0.28mm |
300m | 15 | 0.30mm |
300m | 20 | 0.38mm |
300m | 25 | 0.46mm |
300m | 30 | 0.48mm |
300m | 40 | 0.56mm |
300m | 50 | 0.61mm |
300m | 60 | 0.66mm |